The Excellent Wardrobe of zothiakus

So, the deal with this is that I really like clothing and consider every outfit I wear as a costume, which I suppose fits in with the whole book thing, but is really just an excuse to show off my rad costumes to the world.  Because my town is definitely not large enough to give me the appreciation I desire.

a lot of it is just that i have fabulous clothing, mostly given to me by my fabulous sisters. one of them came back from india with a bucketload of salwar kameez. kameezes? this one looks more russian to me.

the premiere of the final movie! i had so many good costume ideas, but i really just wanted a dark mark, so i ended up dressing as alecto carrow, with artistic license.

i found teddy tonks at the theatre.

luna, alecto, tonks

ooh, this was fun! jones and i went to a live fifties and sixties swing band, so naturally we had to dress up.

this may have been swing dancing, too.
here's the thing of it: my other sister has a collection of vintage dresses, but she has nowhere to store them where she's living right now, so they remain at home and thus are worn by me. and friends, occasionally.

victory roll, courtesy of joni.

victory rolls, courtesy of me.

outfit with victory roll. please disregard the bathroom.

the only pair of shorts i own, in case anyone's interested.

my amelia pond outfit. sort of.
jones and i made this very pretty chalk drawing. then some random child came over and started scribbling busily on one side, so we turned it into a cloud after she left. it looks like mels shot the tardis again. 

prom? pff. i just want to play dress up. and i felt pretty awesome about my dress until i saw my date's dress:
which she made out of newspaper. 
i just don't have the patience or creativity to do that.

my graduation party was sort of alice in wonderland themed. so this is my interpretation of alice, and joni's interpretation of the cheshire cat.

better picture of cheshire cat:

sailing is such an excellent sport for fashion.

did i mention i'm from iowa? we grow mini cows here.

my lovely new vintage-style swimsuit!!

graduation picture. this is my leather jacket, bessie.

i made cookies! beautiful spirally cookies!

sometimes i feel like such a hipster.
shirt says, "'no, i'm from iowa, i only work in outer space.'--captain kirk"

realllllly not the best picture of me, but can we ignore that and perhaps focus on the top shirt, which was made by my fashion designer sister?

did i mention the vintage dresses? i feel like some sort of crazy space empress in this dress.

with a little help, this could be steampunk.

i enjoy the combination of naked lady bust and victorian wallpaper.

sometimes i wish i was a man, just so i could pull off the man clothes.

halloween. i'm ophelia, post-drowning, and jones is medusa, so don't look too close.

it only took all year! 
tom baker, anyone?

graduation picture, minstrel style. that mandolin was so out of tune.

graduation picture. i match the rug.

annualish 19th century day party! tea, dancing, and sedate games of croquet and whist, all in proper garb.

i wear a fez now. fezzes are cool.

you can't really see it, but the skirt has a scene from an opera house on it.

the goat really makes this outfit.

1 comment:

    outfits outfits fun fun photos!
    That is the best picture ever - the one with you and all 90 miles of scarf running down to the camera. it's so...long...and...and...mustard...
    I also enjoyed the witty banter in-between each photo.
    helphen i am a lost child...sniff
